Lets talk about Anasma's performances. For the Anasma World Fusion Showcase on Saturday 13th October, we have over half an hour of performance in total from our star headliner. Wowzer. That's a crazy opportunity to really see the reportoire of a international dancer and really immerse yourself in her performance style. I can tell you are super crazy excited about this already, and about to click over to the booking page right now... right? Now, I mentioned this to one of my circus friends and she said - Woah, isn't that a bit overkill? Won't that get boring? You know, if it was anyone else, I would agree. I get bored pretty easy. I think even watching a half hour of Mardi Love or Rachel Brice would get dull. But not Anasma. I have never seen a performer like her. I remember watching her at International Bellydance Congress a few years ago alongside such great artists as Randa Kamal, Fifi Abdou, Sadie, and all these other guys I've forgotten, and Anasma was the one who got a double standing ovation, Anasma was the one who completely blew everybody's minds, fusionistas and traditional bellydancers alike, and Anasma was the one everybody couldn't stop talking about the next day. She was in-freaking-credible. I saw her do another longer set in London a couple of years back - maybe half an hour, maybe less? I really don't know - I and everybody else completely lost track of time. She took us on this seamless story through dance, alternately heart-wrenching and hilarious, perfectly matched to the music, beautiful, and when it ended I realised I was sobbing like a crazy woman. So were almost half the audience I think - I'm not sure, because I was too busy trying to get a hold of myself. It was the most incredible and most beautiful thing I have ever seen on a stage. Or maybe anywhere.
More non-Anasma-ry about the World Fusion Showcase
We've got some amazing other performers supporting Anasma at the show: International performers Alexis Southall and Mari Pia with her Flamenco Band, Egyptian dancer Clair McGregor, Bharatnatyam dancer Apoovra, me and other acts to be confirmed The venue is stunning - a performance space in a newly converted church, with a stage directly under a beautiful stained glass window, right in the centre of Cambridge, and a simple five minute walk from the train station. You can book your seat here on the Showcase page!
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Demelza Fox